Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Crystal!

Mark made his famous enchiladas, Nick his famous Spanish rice and others brought sweets. It was a great evening for Crystal until she started playing poker! And while she wasn't first out, (Nick took a dive for her), she was second. Deb was next followed by Mark. Try as I might I just couldn't make it 4 in a row. This left Justin & Chris in the heads up. A first for Justin in an officially sanctioned TNP event. But after taking all my chips, Chris was just too chip heavy. So Justin settled for second tonight and Chris ran away with the chips and my 4 bointy pounts. Here's the breakdown.

7. Nick 1
6. Crystal 2
5. Deb 3
4. Mark 4
3. Jeff 5
2. Justin 7
1. Chris 14 (including 4 bointy pounts from Jeff)

Next Thursday is Thanksgiving and I wish a warm, safe Thanksgiving to you my dear friends. We'll be back here at the BB&L on December 4th. Deb is making lasagna for our December birthday/anniversaries. Salad & garlic bread & something sweet to go along would be great. Until then, be well.


It's good weather for enchiladas and Mark has confirmed he'll have em hot out of the oven tonight. Nick to has confirmed he'll have his rice there, maybe a little late but it'll be good. So come on out for some great food, enjoyable fellowship and sizzling poker as we wish Crystal a Happy Birthday and take her chips first! See you all tonight for TNP!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Admiral's Invitational! CANCELLED

TOO MUCH GOING ON THIS TIME OF YEAR Mark your calendar for Friday, December 5, 2008 for the first annual Admiral's Invitational! Marking my 46th year on planet Earth, we'll have a $10 buy in winner take all tourney. Regular TNP rules apply. I'll make stew. BYOB. Starting time 7PM. If you're not a poker player come on over and I'll let you play with my wii!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Steady as she goes......

Make it 3! Yep, won my 3rd week in a row! Poor Chris drew only 1 pot and just couldn't get on track. Justin was out next followed by an angry Mark. Deb royally pissed him off after coming back over the top of his $500 bet with an all in. And after he brought spinach dip AND an absolutely delicious orange cake! YUMMMMM! Markus again made the top 4 but was raped mercilessly first by Deb with a bigger full house then by me. Sorry Markus. Crystal made the top 3. Came down to the two old pros. We started about even in chips, traded back and forth for a while but my pocket aces gave me a huge hand and from there it was just a matter of whittling down Deb's chips. So, next week we'll eat Mark's famous enchiladas for Crystal's birthday. Nick is making his equally famous Spanish rice. And I'll have a bounty of 4 points on my head. Deb now has sole posession of first place but has yet to win a game in Phase 2. Here's the night in numbers.

7. Chris 1
6. Justin 2
5. Mark 3
4. Markus 4
3. Crystal 5
2. Deb 7
1. Jeff 10 (including keeping my own bointy pount)

So remember, we'll be eating at 6:30 next week then taking the Thursday of Thanksgiving off. Till then, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


The night was marked with upsets and movement in the leader board. Surprisingly Mark was first out, putting his first place standing in jeopardy. Nick made it tonight but didn't fare much better than Mark. After starting out in a big way Justin was next to fall by the way side. Chris exited next followed by none other than Deb. Markus made the top 3 and Crystal made the top 2. For the second week in a row I won the night adding 2 bonus points by winning a hand with a straight flush! So, next week the double bounty will be on my head. I mean bointy pounts! Anyway, here's the breakdown.

8. Mark 1
7. Nick 2
6. Justin 3
5. Chris 4
4. Deb 5
3. Markus 6
2. Crystal 8
1. Jeff 13 (including 2 for a straight flush and 1 for retaining my bounty point)

See you all next week!