Tuesday, January 26, 2010

To arms my beauties!

Week three and things are looking gorgeous! Some of the most stunning creatures were gathered for a display of brilliance and elegance. As the competition groomed themselves, tempers flared and the fight for most tantalizing commenced!

First to prance about was the soft shelled turtle, but just like its shell; his chance at glory deflated.
Next up was the lovely Echidna; unfortunately though, as she displayed some graceful maneuvers, a stranger picked her up and walked away.
After her departure, the star nosed mole wandered in to dazzle! He however was perceived as too awkward and he blindly wobbled in the wrong direction.
Next up to show their grace and manners was the ever jovial Tapir. Too much snacking left him too sick to move on and a quick exit was made.
The competition was beginning to grow intense and the sensual Gelada Baboon couldn't restrain his desire to win and was taken away due to his anger!
After that temper tantrum, the Giant Isopod thought that his victory was assured. He displayed charm and eloquence, but a confrontation with the soft shelled turtle kept him from reaching the top!
It was a truly marvelous cluster of the most stunning and unique creatures from all over the world. The competition was swift and the reigning symbol of class and glamour who took the gold was none other than the Emperor Tamarin!
A quick shout out to a friend that has been absent for a couple of weeks. Don't worry, your shot at glory will come again.
7. Soft Shelled Turtle (Giordan) 1
6. Echidna (Lisa) 2
5. Star Nosed Mole (Chris) 3
4. Tapir (Justin) 4
3. Gelada Baboon (Jeff) 5
2. Giant Isopod (Devin) 7
1. Emperor Tamarin (Ish) 9
Shout out: Rare Bird (Bobby)

Something that we should all keep in mind is that Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Don't take yourself for granted and know that you are absolutely Beautiful! Until next we meet, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Game 2

After Ish' first win and writing of the poker blog, things returned to normal this week as Bobby reasserted his winning ways but declined to write the blog himself. So, with a small crowd, here's the way it went down.

6. Ish 1
5. Devin 3 (including Ish' bounty point)
4. Chris 3
3. Jeff 4
2. Justin 6
1. Bobby 8

This leaves us with a 3 way tie for first place. Until next week, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fashion Faux Pas!!! =]]]

Welcome twinks and bears to a fabulous evening filled with glamorous fashions and stunning runway walks. The night commenced with a visual feast of stilettos making their way into New York's finest boutique known only as the BB&L. From there seven of the most revolutionary fashion designers took their places and as the lights dimmed, the festivities began!

First to showcase their work was "The Fashion Show's" very own, Isaac Mizrahi! The crowd sighed at the mediocre display and almost threw up on viewing the hideous green hat that one of the models donned. A less than impressive start for the crowd; whom started to wave dildos in the air since they were so displeased.

Next to showcase their work was none other than the always creative Jean Paul Gaultier! The gays were intrigued and although they were turned on, his clothes kept snagging on the drag queen's weaves and a fight broke out ending his less than impressive collection.

Next in line to present their collection was at first mistaken as a tranny hooker, but upon a closer look it was the skankilicious Paris Hilton! Her models bailed on her after finding out she gave their boyfriends complementary blow jobs, so she had to model her own TRASHY pieces. The crowd could only handle so much, so they nabbed the hoe and fed her to the butch dykes!

After that sickening display; next up to showcase their work was the very forgetful tramp from the O.C. known to a pitiful few as Mischa Barton! She felt that only her body could make her clothes come to life, so she wobbled onto the stage causing immediate blindness and the leather daddy's to shriek with disgust. An airborne wedge pump thankfully knocked her off the stage and the show moved on.

Next to present their line was the ancient and crabby Karl Lagerfeld! God bless his soul for putting up with the tragic Olsen twins, but somebody has to keep the trolls from committing fashion suicide. He had some cute looks with some virgin-esque dresses, but the crowd grew bored and fisting sessions broke out everywhere!

Cum shots sprayed the air as the next designer strolled out in a leather trench coat....excuse me, I meant a classless bathing suit. Lesbian snatches puckered up at the repulsive sight of Donatella Versace! As an act of charity, Donatella decided to search in rehab centers for a muse that would awe the audience. To her surprise the crowd began to vomit uncontrollably and twinks began to rush onto the stage to cat fight with the unholy beast on the runway!

Gallons of alcohol was desperately needed and consumed very quickly after that eyesore and order was soon restored to the fashion show. Next up to showcase their work was the ever talented and innovative Christian Dior! Divas were silenced by the girth of the avant garde pieces and pig bottoms began to viciously lick their lips. As things were beginning to go well, a train broke out and Mr. Dior himself joined in and was never heard of or seen again.

As the show came to it's close, the final designers displayed pieces that not only were stunning on the runway, but made the crowd wet at the same time! Who better to bring up the rear than the always impeccable and astounding Dolce & Gabbana! Sex, class, and grace were all showcased in an elegant fashion and no rim job could compare to the sensual allure that their clothes exuded. The finale was no less breathtaking and the entertainment was hot enough to no doubt keep the dicks and snatches CUMing back for more!

**Only one casualty occurred during the show. Gordana Gehlhausen was injured due to a cock slap across the face**

8. Isaac Mizrahi (Mark) 1
7. Jean Paul Gaultier (Justin W) 2
6. Paris Hilton (Devin) 3
5. Mischa Barton (Bobby) 4
4. Karl Lagerfeld (Chris) 5
3. Donatella Versace (Justin B) 6
2. Christian Dior (Jeff) 8
1. Dolce & Gabbana (Ish) 10
Tragic Guest: Gordana Gehlhausen (Giordan)

The fashion show was painfully brilliant and fashionistas across the globe rejoiced! What a luscious start to 2010! Let's toast to a fabulous new year and let's keep our diva spirits alive as we all walk the runway that is life! Until next we meet, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The final game of the year....

Actually occurred on December 17. What happened on New Year's Eve was a joke, a farce and won't be recorded here.

9. Jeff 1
8. Wes 2
7. Chris 3
6. Giordan 4
5. Ish 5
4. Lisa 6
3. Devin 7
2. Bobby 9
1. Justin 13