Baby Momo was the first cutie to arrive with fur as white as the snow. Cute as a button, but the crowd became distracted.

Baby Pico was the second cutie that showed up adorned with a stylish peg leg. A stunning critter no doubt, but eyes went elsewhere.

Baby Taco was the third cutie who came prepared with a humble appetite. Soft and squishy like a mango, but overzealous to the eyes.

Baby Loco was the fourth cutie to arrive with colors that brought cheer to the room. Lovely in many ways, but the crowds grew bored.

Baby Eco was the fifth cutie with eyes that could melt your heart. An elegant creature, but still not the right pick.

Baby Sapo was the sixth cutie who arrived with features that made people take a second look. A diva attitude kept him from reaching the top.

Baby Chico was the seventh and final cuddly creature that drew the crowd's attention with lovely poise, stunning grace and bubbly charm. An absolutely fabulous star has been selected and will be featured on the Dallas pride cover of GORGEOUS magazine coming to stands very soon!

Not all was sweet and cuddly on this day however. Baby Yipo stands at a distance watching with stern eyes as the crowds surround the cuddly critters. Soon she will make her move and take out all the cute competition until she stands alone to reign supreme! Soon..very soon...
Guest: Baby Yipo (Yippie)
7. Baby Momo (Jeff) 1
6. Baby Pico (Devi) 2
5. Baby Taco (Dustin) 3
4. Baby Loco (Bobby) 4
3. Baby Eco (Chris) 5
2. Baby Sapo (Justin) 8 (Including Bobby's bounty point)
1. Baby Chico (Ish) 9
Now the babies must go bedsie, but we thank you for joining us on this cute and GORGEOUS adventure. Until next we meet, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!