Thursday, April 14, 2011

For the game on 4/14/11

7 Dustin 1
6 Markus 2
5 Ish 3
4 Bobby 4
3 Jeff 5
2 Justin 7
1 Devin 12 (including a bonus point for quad 7s & 2 for retaining his 2 bounty points)

For the game on 4/7/11

6 Bobby 1
5 Dustin 2
4 Markus 3
3 Jeff 4
2 Ish 6
1 Devin 10 (including 2 bonus points for straight flush)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

For the game on 3/31/11

1 Jeff 1
2 Devin 2
3 Dustin 3
4 Yippee 4
5 Bobby 6 + 4 = 10
6 Ish 8

For the game on 3/14/11

6. Ben 1 x 2 = 2
5. Jeff 2 x 2 = 4
4. Bobby 3 x 2 = 6
3. Dustin 4 x 2 = 8
2. Ish 6 x 2 = 12
1. Devin 8 x 2 = 16 + 6 = 22

Thursday, March 17, 2011

For the game on 3/17/11

5. Ish 1
4. Jeff 2
3. Dustin 3
2. Justin 5
1. Devin 9 (including 2 for retaining his bounty points)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

For the Game on 3/10/11

7. Dustin 1
6. Yissell 2
5. Bobby 3
4. Ish 4
3. Justin 5
2. Jeff 7
1. Devin 9

Thursday, March 3, 2011

For the Game on 3/3/11

6. Dustin 1
5. Bobby 2
4. Jeff 3
3. Ish 4
2. Justin 6
1. Devin 9

For the Game on 2/24/11

5. Dustin 2
4. Devin 4
3. Ish 6
2. Justin 10
1. Jeff 16

For the Game on 2/17/11

7. Alex 1
6. Bobby 2
5. Markus 3
4. Ish 5 (including Devin's bounty point)
3. Jeff 6 (including a bonus point for quad 5s)
2. Devin 8
1. Dustin 11

For the Game on 2/10/11

7. Dustin 1
6. Alex 2
5. Jeff 3
4. Ish 4
3. Justin 6 (including Dustin's bounty point)
2. Bobby 8
1. Devin 9

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

For the game on 2/3/11

7. Alex 1
6. Ish 2
5. Justin 3
4. Yippee 4
3. Devin 5
2. Jeff 10 (including Devin's bounty points)
1. Dustin 9

For the game on 1/27/11

6. Ish 1
5. Yippee 2
4. Dustin 3
3. Alex 4
2. Jeff 6
1. Devin 11 (including his own bounty points)

For the game on 1/20/11

7. Dustin 1 x 2 = 2
6. Bobby 2 x 2 = 4
5. Justin 3 x 2 = 6
4. Jeff 4 x 2 = 8
3. Ish 6 x 2 = 12 (including 1 for Dustin's bounty point)
2. Alex 7 x 2 = 14
1. Devin 11 x 2 = 22 (including 1 bonus point for quad 5s)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

For the game on 1/13/11

7. Matthew 1
6. Bobby 3 (including a bonus point for quad 3s)
5. Justin 3
4. Jeff 4
3. Alex 5
2. Lisa 7
1. Dustin 9

For the game on 1/6/11

7. Matthew 1
6. Alex 2
5. Jeff 3
4. Ish 4
3. Bobby 6 (including Matthew's bounty point)
2. Dustin 8 (including Jeff's bounty point)
1. Devin 9

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Well, Ish won the first game of 2010 and I the last, and came close but just couldn't catch him for the overall win. Here's the year in numbers. Everything resets to zero for our first game of 2011.

Ish 337 pts Ranks #1
Jeff 333 pts Ranks #2
Devin 298 pts Ranks #3
Bobby 280 pts Ranks #4
Justin B 211 pts Ranks #5
Dustin 180 pts Ranks #6

Ish 12
Jeff 12
Bobby 8
Devin 7
Adam 3
Dustin 3
Chris 2