Friday, March 27, 2009

As it looks now....

A $2 buy in is hereby instituted for all future regular TNP games. Makes the game a little more interesting without breaking anyones piggy bank.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The calm before the storm.....

The forecast is for blizzard conditions but it was calm and warm inside the Admiral's B & B on the eve of the wintry blast. Our first cast away was Killian, followed quickly thereafter by Ish. Giordan made his TNP debut and was third out. Chris left next and then Devin. Dustin was ousted next. I promised I wouldn't mention Deb didn't make the top 3 so I won't. However, the top 3 included Paul, Bobby & Me. I honestly didn't think I had a chance. Paul & I were by far the short stacks throughout most of the final 3. Paul finally succumbed and that left Me versus about a 6 to 1 chip lead by Bobby. However, I love heads up play and some pre flop raises and some very lucky cards turned the tide in my favor and I wound up winning. Here's the breakdown by the numbers.



10. Killian 1
9. Ish 2
8. Giordan 3
7. Chris 4
6. Devin 5
5. Dustin 6
4. Deb 7
3. Paul 8
2. Bobby 10
1. Jeff 13 (including Deb's bounty point)

Everyone stay safe tomorrow during what is hopefully winter's last stand. Until next week, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

"What are these for"?

The actual question asked by Justin B. upon seeing the cards we were about to play Texas Holdem with. It set the tone for the rest of the night. He and two other TNP virgins, Ish & Devin, had their poker challenge cherries popped. Here's the breakdown.

Another dozen players on hand with some of the old regulars falling first. Crystal didn't have a good night at all and was first out. Bobby never caught a hand and was second out. Paul was out next followed by our first rookie sacrifice, Devin. I was out next but did manage to catch a bonus point for quad 7s. Chris was eliminated at the same time I was and Lisa soon followed our lead. Killian left the game next and that left 2 rookies playing in the top 4. Justin, after discovering just what those cards were for and figuring out quickly how to use them was out next. Nick managed to hang on after taking some big hands but couldn't get past a rookie and a veteran. The real story of the night was Ish. Arriving late he had a disadvantage from the start as his chips had dwindled after having his blinds posted for half an hour. Still, his loose style, seeming ignorance of the game and just plain luck made, for a moment, the impossible possible. On one hand, Deb was ready to give up, going all in on a hand she just knew she was going to lose but for some reason Ish didn't call her all in after pushing her and everyone else around all night. That was the turning point and she rallied to win. Here's the night by the numbers.

Table 1

Feature Table
Justin B.

12. Crystal 1
11. Bobby 2
10. Paul 3
9. Devin 4
8. Jeff 6 (including 1 bonus point for quad 7s)
7. Chris 6
6. Lisa 7
5. Killian 8
4. Justin B. 9
3. Nick 10
2. Ish 13 (including 1 bonus point for Chris' bounty)
1. Deb 14

It's been suggested and I concur that we play for $5 every Thursday night from now on. I'm also thinking about making the entire month of May double points month and making Deb's last game a triple points night with a $20 buy in. Let me know your thoughts on this. Until next week may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

12 on the 12th

An even dozen players made the double points game important and the $60 pot made it very interesting! Here's how it played out.

The first to leave the table was Killian, thankfully. I say thankfully only because it meant I didn't have to be first out as I was out right after him. Dustin, thrown to the wolves was out next. Crystal didn't fare much better and it wasn't long until Bobby bowed out as well. Art was next to leave and then Mark. Nick left the game next followed by Lisa. The top 3 included Paul, Deb & Chris. It was in that order that they were eliminated meaning there's some serious movement in the leader board. We did have a straight flush, Nick's 7-J of hearts earned him 2 bonus points. Tonight's biggest mover was Paul. Here's the breakdown.



12. Killian 2
11. Jeff 4
10. Dustin 6
9. Crystal 8
8. Bobby 10
7. Art 12
6. Mark 14
5. Nick 18 (including 2 bonus points for a straight flush)
4. Lisa 19 (including 1 bonus point for Crystal's bounty)
3. Paul 20
2. Deb 24
1. Chris 28

The brown bag idea seems to have worked well. This way if you want to eat you bring it. No one is responsible for anything in particular. I think this is how we'll do the meal nights from now on. So, until next week, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

One side note: Nick spotted the purple granny panties Crystal was wearing. I didn't see them myself but I must say I'm disappointed. I always imagined Crystal in a thong!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Wearing o' the green!

Don't forget! Start eating at 6:30.


Friday, March 6, 2009

Dave's Top 10

Number 10 Who was first out after being uncharacteristically quite all night? NICK

Number 9 Who rarely plays but managed to stay sober and still lose? ART

Number 8 Who's Bobby's new boyfriend and did remarkably well for a rookie? DUSTIN

Number 7 Who started out good but was eliminated on a side pot? CHRIS

Number 6 Who usually flames but never caught fire last night? BOBBY

Number 5 Who took a lot of chips from Deb & Jeff with a K of hearts? LISA

Number 4 Who didn't make the top 3? DEB

Number 3 Who did make the top 3? JEFF

Number 2 Who manages a Wal-Mart, counts inventory & money all the time, but can't count chips for shit! (He went all in a few times with Crystal, but each time he counted only half of what he actually had, so.....) MARK

And tonight's Number 1 Who has the biggest boobs at TNP, whooped Mark's ass and has her second win? CRYSTAL

10. Nick 1
9. Art 2
8. Dustin 3
7. Chris 4
6. Bobby 5
5. Lisa 6
4. Deb 7
3. Jeff 8
2. Mark 11 (Including Nick's bounty point)
1. Crystal 12

Let's eat next week. Brown bag special. Bring whatever you want to eat, Sonic, Arby's, whatever. Just bring food for you. That also means DOUBLE POINTS & a $5 buy in winner take all next week! Until then, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!