Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Better late than never!

Just getting around to posting last weeks game. Good crowd and lots of action. His bold style of play didn't help him last week as Dustin was the first to be eliminated. Ish was soon to follow and a new comer to TNP, Ben, didn't fair much better. Justin B knew what the cards were for tonight and played well. After he was knocked out Giordan soon left the game as well. I did ok and was next to be beaten. Chris was out next and that left the final 4. The game went on for at least an hour and a half with Bobby, Lisa, Devin and Deb all trying to gain the upper hand. And it was in the order that they were placed. The heads up between Devin & Deb didn't last long and Devin could have won his first TNP but didn't trust his pocket 3s. Hmm, he'll go all in on pocket 2s but not 3s? At any rate, Deb won the night taking my 2 bounty points and extending her lead. Here's the night by the numbers:

11. Dustin 1
10. Ish 2
9. Ben 3
8. Justin B 4
7. Giordan 5
6. Jeff 6
5. Chris 7
4. Bobby 8
3. Lisa 9
2. Devin 11
1. Deb 15 (Including Jeff's 2 bounty points)

So, until tomorrow night may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

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