Friday, July 24, 2009

Chris doesn't like to share!

So he did everything he could last night to make sure he wouldn't have to, including winning! Dustin never caught a hand and was first out. A very disgruntled Devin, never seeing a seven, was expelled from heaven by me! He was not happy! But I was, cause I got his booty, I mean bounty point. Bobby broke a long streak of making the top 3 and was out next. Lisa played well and settled for 4th place. Justin B. made his first ever top 3! That left me and Chris. He never let go of his chip lead and when the blinds hit 1000 I was done for. Here are the numbers.

7. Dustin 1
6. Devin 2
5. Bobby 3
4. Lisa 4
3. Justin B. 5
2. Jeff 8 (including Devin's bounty point)
1. Chris 9

Chris, having won his first game in phase 3, once again sits alone atop the leader board. No ties this week. Until next week, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

1 comment:

Chris said...

Damn right I don't like to share