Thursday, October 15, 2009

Adam's return

Was most impressive. Months since his last appearance, Adam quickly reminded us why he was one of the most feared and respected players of TNP Phase 1. A ten player field began the night but was reduced by one when Rich, a rookie to TNP, was first out.

The surprise of the night came when Bobby was ousted next, soon followed by Devin. Lisa was next to hit the skids with Ish close behind. Dustin, starting out like gang busters, soon ran out of gas. Not the gas he bombed us with last week, the gas needed to outlast everyone else. Justin made the top 4, Chris top 3 and the heads up came down to Adam and myself. It's been months if not a year or more since he and I were the only ones playing.

Starting out with close to chip equity, bad hand after bad hand soon had Adam with a sizable chip lead. The outcome was inevitable and I soon succumbed to his superior cards. Here's the night by the numbers.

10. Rich 2
9. Bobby 4
8. Devin 6
7. Lisa 8
6. Ish 10
5. Dustin 12
4. Justin 14
3. Chris 16
2. Jeff 20
1. Adam 28 (including bonus points for Devin's bounty and quad 3s)

Until next week, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

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