With only 5 players making it to TNP tonight, there weren't many points on the line. Still, with only 1 point seperating first & second place any amount can make a big difference.
Mark, Justin, Chris, Deb & myself playing tonight. Poor Justin was first out again when Mark killed him with quad 5s, something Mark enjoyed because it gave him an extra point.
Chris held on as long as he could but finally ran out of luck. Deb soon followed and that left me & Mark head to head for the first time in a very long time. So long in fact I can't remember the last time he & I went heads up.
We traded chips back & forth for a while, almost eliminating each other several times but never able to deliver the coup de gras. Finally we agreed to let the next hand determine the winner and thankfully my luck, missing for so long, has returned. So here's the breakdown.
5. Justin 1
4. Chris 2
3. Deb 3
2. Mark 6 (including 1 bointy pount for quad 5s)
1. Jeff 10 (including 3 bointy pounts for the previous 2 wins by Mark & tonight's)
Mark came up with an idea last week. Since he won the previous 2 weeks in a row the first person to defeat him would take his previous weeks bointy pounts and the 1 for the current game. Hope to see many of our regulars next week. Till then may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
The top of the leader board continues to dominate TNP Phase 2 while the rest of us just provide a warm up act for the main event. In fact, except for Nick's slaughter at the hands of Deb whose pocket kings gave her a bigger full house over Nick, the last 5 places are barely worthy of mention. Crystal was out first, then me, followed by Justin, Nick & Chris. We were all quite easily dismissed. The real game began with the final 3 and our top leaders.
Deb, Adam & Mark have owned Phase 2 since it began. Those once close to penetrating the top 3 have fallen by the way side. Deb just couldn't withstand the double team of Mark & Adam and left next. The heads up didnt' last long however. After accumulating a lot of chips from the table he was at, Adam kept winning and losing lots of chips. Playing smart doesn't always mean you win however. He wisely folded a lot of hands that could have paid off big had he stayed for the turn or river however, and Mark fought his way back from near elimination more than a few times, going all in with enough chips to scare off Deb & Adam. Coors Lite must be sponsoring Mark cause he finished off about 12 or 13 of the 18 pack he & Justin brought. Winning the night means Mark gets to keep his bounty point (henceforth and forever more called the bointy pount thanks to Mark). This makes 3 wins for Mark and he won enough points last night to retake first place in the overall standings. His success will be short lived, however, as the upcoming holidays will mean he's going to miss quite a few games. As for now, however, let the Coors Lite flow and congratulations Mark!
8. Crystal 1
7. Jeff 2
6. Justin 3
5. Nick 4
4. Chris 5
3. Deb 6
2. Adam 8
1. Mark 11 (including 1 for retaining his bointy pount)
Hopefully Mark will be playing next week so we'll have another chance at his bointy pount. Till then, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!
Deb, Adam & Mark have owned Phase 2 since it began. Those once close to penetrating the top 3 have fallen by the way side. Deb just couldn't withstand the double team of Mark & Adam and left next. The heads up didnt' last long however. After accumulating a lot of chips from the table he was at, Adam kept winning and losing lots of chips. Playing smart doesn't always mean you win however. He wisely folded a lot of hands that could have paid off big had he stayed for the turn or river however, and Mark fought his way back from near elimination more than a few times, going all in with enough chips to scare off Deb & Adam. Coors Lite must be sponsoring Mark cause he finished off about 12 or 13 of the 18 pack he & Justin brought. Winning the night means Mark gets to keep his bounty point (henceforth and forever more called the bointy pount thanks to Mark). This makes 3 wins for Mark and he won enough points last night to retake first place in the overall standings. His success will be short lived, however, as the upcoming holidays will mean he's going to miss quite a few games. As for now, however, let the Coors Lite flow and congratulations Mark!
8. Crystal 1
7. Jeff 2
6. Justin 3
5. Nick 4
4. Chris 5
3. Deb 6
2. Adam 8
1. Mark 11 (including 1 for retaining his bointy pount)
Hopefully Mark will be playing next week so we'll have another chance at his bointy pount. Till then, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
An Early Finish!
With the night sky chilled and filled with a full moon, the game ended at 10:20 with Mark coming out on top once again. Here's the low down.
Markus, busy doing laundry, bowed out first with 1 point.
Again this week, Chris took an early dive and exited with 2 points.
A tired but releaved Adam went home with 3 points.
I faired somewhat better than last week but could still only earn 4 points.
Crystal came on strong in the beginning but soon ran out of steam with only 5 points.
Heads up came down to Deb & Mark. After a quick check of the score board, Mark determined his lead over Adam to be sufficient to risk a final hand with Deb, winner take all. The chips were about even and Deb, eager to get home, agreed. Mark won the hand easily and left the night with another win and up 2 on Adam, only 4 behind Deb. Deb took Adam's bounty so that helped her maintain her lead.
Here's the breakdown:
7. Markus 1
6. Chris 2
5. Adam 3
4. Jeff 4
3. Crystal 5
2. Deb 8 (including Adam's bounty point)
1. Mark 9
Mark has 2 wins in the new season, Adam 1 but Deb maintains the top spot on the points board. See you all next week!
Markus, busy doing laundry, bowed out first with 1 point.
Again this week, Chris took an early dive and exited with 2 points.
A tired but releaved Adam went home with 3 points.
I faired somewhat better than last week but could still only earn 4 points.
Crystal came on strong in the beginning but soon ran out of steam with only 5 points.
Heads up came down to Deb & Mark. After a quick check of the score board, Mark determined his lead over Adam to be sufficient to risk a final hand with Deb, winner take all. The chips were about even and Deb, eager to get home, agreed. Mark won the hand easily and left the night with another win and up 2 on Adam, only 4 behind Deb. Deb took Adam's bounty so that helped her maintain her lead.
Here's the breakdown:
7. Markus 1
6. Chris 2
5. Adam 3
4. Jeff 4
3. Crystal 5
2. Deb 8 (including Adam's bounty point)
1. Mark 9
Mark has 2 wins in the new season, Adam 1 but Deb maintains the top spot on the points board. See you all next week!
Friday, October 10, 2008
The More Things Change....
The more they stay the same. Great time last night as we scrambled eggs, slopped gravy, fried bacon & baked rolls to celebrate Justin & Nick's birthday at TNP. Deb didn't get the memo so no pancakes. ;( But we had plenty and lots left over. With our guts full we settled in for some serious poker and here's how it played out.
Justin & I just can't catch a break. Last week I was first out, this week Justin took an early dive.
Following Justin, Chris. That was a surprise. He's been playing consistantly well but ran into a rough patch, just as the banks have on Wall Street!
I didn't fare much better, leaving early with only 3 points.
Mark, Coors Lite in hand, tried his best to play conservatively, but just couldn't get the cards as he did last week. He had to settle for 4 points and watch first place slip away.
Crystal, trying her best to keep her table from changing music, was thwarted. She took home 5 points.
Markus, arriving in his new truck, played well and ended the night with 6 points.
Bobby, after being away last week, his shiner gone, stayed long enough to garner 7 points.
Nick, when the final table was assembled, had lots of green chips. He made it to the top 3 but exhaustion finally did him in and he earned 8 points.
Deb made the top 2 and went head to head with Adam. Lots of chips on each side of the table with Deb having a decididely large advantage until one hand saw Adam go all in and beat Deb's call with pocket kings. He tripped up with a third on the board and the handwriting was on the wall. Don't feel sorry for Deb, though, her straight flush gave her a couple of extra points and she's back where she's been for so long, in first place.
Adam won the night and took Mark's bonus point. Bobby encouraging him to loose so they could go home, Adam nevertheless maintained his poise and calmness and prevailed to win his first TNP Phase 2 game. His 13 points lifting him into second place.
Here's the night by the numbers.
10 Justin 1
9 Chris 2
8 Jeff 3
7 Mark 4
6 Crystal 5
5 Markus 6
4 Bobby 7
3 Nick 8
2 Deb 12
1 Adam 13
So Adam has the target on his back for next week. Deb is back in first but is trailed by Adam by only 3 and Mark by only 5. It's very early in the TNP Phase 2 season. See you all next week and til then, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!
Justin & I just can't catch a break. Last week I was first out, this week Justin took an early dive.
Following Justin, Chris. That was a surprise. He's been playing consistantly well but ran into a rough patch, just as the banks have on Wall Street!
I didn't fare much better, leaving early with only 3 points.
Mark, Coors Lite in hand, tried his best to play conservatively, but just couldn't get the cards as he did last week. He had to settle for 4 points and watch first place slip away.
Crystal, trying her best to keep her table from changing music, was thwarted. She took home 5 points.
Markus, arriving in his new truck, played well and ended the night with 6 points.
Bobby, after being away last week, his shiner gone, stayed long enough to garner 7 points.
Nick, when the final table was assembled, had lots of green chips. He made it to the top 3 but exhaustion finally did him in and he earned 8 points.
Deb made the top 2 and went head to head with Adam. Lots of chips on each side of the table with Deb having a decididely large advantage until one hand saw Adam go all in and beat Deb's call with pocket kings. He tripped up with a third on the board and the handwriting was on the wall. Don't feel sorry for Deb, though, her straight flush gave her a couple of extra points and she's back where she's been for so long, in first place.
Adam won the night and took Mark's bonus point. Bobby encouraging him to loose so they could go home, Adam nevertheless maintained his poise and calmness and prevailed to win his first TNP Phase 2 game. His 13 points lifting him into second place.
Here's the night by the numbers.
10 Justin 1
9 Chris 2
8 Jeff 3
7 Mark 4
6 Crystal 5
5 Markus 6
4 Bobby 7
3 Nick 8
2 Deb 12
1 Adam 13
So Adam has the target on his back for next week. Deb is back in first but is trailed by Adam by only 3 and Mark by only 5. It's very early in the TNP Phase 2 season. See you all next week and til then, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!
Friday, October 3, 2008
And they're off!
I think the new format for the game went pretty well. I'm going to tweak the blinds upward starting with level 6. But the new blinds/ante scheme worked well and added a little excitement to the overall play. As to our first winner, well let's jump right to it.
I had a rather inauspicious beginning, making the first cut. Deb took me & Mark for a green chip each early on and I was just never able to recover. I won a few pots though so I had fun.
Next out was Justin. He played really well and had a good size chip stack early on but peaked too early.
Likewise, Markus played well and for a long time but soon ran out of chips.
An uncharacteristically quiet Adam left the game next.
He was followed soon thereafter by Crystal.
Chris made the top 3, refusing to die. Mark & Deb ganged up on him and finally did him in but Chris wasn't going without a fight.
Heads up came down to Mark & Deb. Mark had fought back from early hits from Deb and had quite the chip count with lots of greens. I'm not sure if he won because of or in spite of the Coors Light and Keystone Light. Yep, he was actually drinking Keystone. But it must have helped because he finally won the night, taking first place and the first win of Phase 2. Here's the points breakdown.
8. Jeff 1
7. Justin 2
6. Markus 3
5. Adam 4
4. Crystal 5
3. Chris 6
2. Deb 8
1. Mark 11 (including 1 bonus point for quads)
Remember, next week we're having breakfast so let's start cooking at 6:30. See you all then!
I had a rather inauspicious beginning, making the first cut. Deb took me & Mark for a green chip each early on and I was just never able to recover. I won a few pots though so I had fun.
Next out was Justin. He played really well and had a good size chip stack early on but peaked too early.
Likewise, Markus played well and for a long time but soon ran out of chips.
An uncharacteristically quiet Adam left the game next.
He was followed soon thereafter by Crystal.
Chris made the top 3, refusing to die. Mark & Deb ganged up on him and finally did him in but Chris wasn't going without a fight.
Heads up came down to Mark & Deb. Mark had fought back from early hits from Deb and had quite the chip count with lots of greens. I'm not sure if he won because of or in spite of the Coors Light and Keystone Light. Yep, he was actually drinking Keystone. But it must have helped because he finally won the night, taking first place and the first win of Phase 2. Here's the points breakdown.
8. Jeff 1
7. Justin 2
6. Markus 3
5. Adam 4
4. Crystal 5
3. Chris 6
2. Deb 8
1. Mark 11 (including 1 bonus point for quads)
Remember, next week we're having breakfast so let's start cooking at 6:30. See you all then!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Let the games begin!
Ok, tomorrow night we begin Phase 2! I'm excited for the new format of the blog, new style of play and the fact that everyone has a dog in the hunt for first place! There may even be a familiar face or two from the past joining us. Remember, next week we'll be having our monthly meal, "Breakfast for supper". This month celebrating the birthdays of Nick & Justin. Justin turns the big 30! Our condolences to Justin. I'm making biscuits & sausage gravy, Adam omelets, Deb pan cakes. We'll cook them there so don't worry about bringing stuff already cooked. Milk, OJ, other juices, whatever you want to bring. If you have a birthday or anniversary or something you'd like us to know about, leave a comment. Otherwise, we'll see everyone tomorrow night and may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!
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