Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Quiet Night

With only 5 players making it to TNP tonight, there weren't many points on the line. Still, with only 1 point seperating first & second place any amount can make a big difference.

Mark, Justin, Chris, Deb & myself playing tonight. Poor Justin was first out again when Mark killed him with quad 5s, something Mark enjoyed because it gave him an extra point.

Chris held on as long as he could but finally ran out of luck. Deb soon followed and that left me & Mark head to head for the first time in a very long time. So long in fact I can't remember the last time he & I went heads up.

We traded chips back & forth for a while, almost eliminating each other several times but never able to deliver the coup de gras. Finally we agreed to let the next hand determine the winner and thankfully my luck, missing for so long, has returned. So here's the breakdown.

5. Justin 1
4. Chris 2
3. Deb 3
2. Mark 6 (including 1 bointy pount for quad 5s)
1. Jeff 10 (including 3 bointy pounts for the previous 2 wins by Mark & tonight's)

Mark came up with an idea last week. Since he won the previous 2 weeks in a row the first person to defeat him would take his previous weeks bointy pounts and the 1 for the current game. Hope to see many of our regulars next week. Till then may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters.


Anonymous said...

I think you should ban Coors Light from your house on Thursdays. I've never seen drunkedness bring someone so much luck.

Admiral Ross said...

I concur. You tell Mark!