Friday, October 3, 2008

And they're off!

I think the new format for the game went pretty well. I'm going to tweak the blinds upward starting with level 6. But the new blinds/ante scheme worked well and added a little excitement to the overall play. As to our first winner, well let's jump right to it.

I had a rather inauspicious beginning, making the first cut. Deb took me & Mark for a green chip each early on and I was just never able to recover. I won a few pots though so I had fun.

Next out was Justin. He played really well and had a good size chip stack early on but peaked too early.

Likewise, Markus played well and for a long time but soon ran out of chips.

An uncharacteristically quiet Adam left the game next.

He was followed soon thereafter by Crystal.

Chris made the top 3, refusing to die. Mark & Deb ganged up on him and finally did him in but Chris wasn't going without a fight.

Heads up came down to Mark & Deb. Mark had fought back from early hits from Deb and had quite the chip count with lots of greens. I'm not sure if he won because of or in spite of the Coors Light and Keystone Light. Yep, he was actually drinking Keystone. But it must have helped because he finally won the night, taking first place and the first win of Phase 2. Here's the points breakdown.

8. Jeff 1
7. Justin 2
6. Markus 3
5. Adam 4
4. Crystal 5
3. Chris 6
2. Deb 8
1. Mark 11 (including 1 bonus point for quads)

Remember, next week we're having breakfast so let's start cooking at 6:30. See you all then!

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