Thursday, December 11, 2008

The few, the tired.....

A small crowd meant few points, thankfully for me since I was first out. We had a tired crew, Crystal being one of the most tired and second out. Next out was Chris. Heads up came down to Nick & Deb. Nick was way behind in chips to start the heads up round, fought back valiantly but was just too tired to keep up with Deb. Still, he did score a bonus point for quad queens, as did Chris for my bounty point and Crystal was scorching us with her aces all night and also won a bonus point for quad aces. One oddity, we had a 4 way split pot when all 4 remaining players each had a 5 to make a straight.

5. Jeff 1
4. Crystal 3 (including 1 bonus point for quad aces)
3. Chris 4 (including 1 bonus point for my bounty)
2. Nick 6 (including 1 bonus point for quad queens)
1. Deb 7

Deb won her first game in Phase 2 and once again retakes the lead. Until next week, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

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