Thursday, May 14, 2009

Conspiracy Theories

Yes, I was the victim of a conspiracy tonight. The 2 point bounty on my head was a small consolation to the fact that no one wanted to see me win 3 in a row. Nevertheless, Ish was out first, followed by Chris who never drew a pot. Ben came in late and left early. Justin B lost his phone and his chips next. Dustin, who came out swinging, peaked too early and was next to be eliminated. Bobby, who peaked later in the game this week than last was out next. I did make the top 3 before the conspiracy was unleashed. That left the two top players and the dealer free to relish in their successful plan. And for the first time at an official TNP game, Devin defeated Deb to win the top spot and the $15 pot. Congrats Devin! Now, the numbers:

9. Ish 2
8. Chris 4
7. Ben 6
6. Justin B 8
5. Dustin 12 (including double bonus points for quad 4s)
4. Bobby 12
3. Jeff 14
2. Deb 18
1. Devin 26 (including double bounty points for taking me out)

So, until next week may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

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