Saturday, May 30, 2009

All good things....

Nick arrived first, Dustin, Mark, Justin, Chris, Ish, Yippie, Deb, Devin and Ben all soon followed. Buy ins were allowed until 9. I think we raised $120 for the American Cancer Society. The money finishers were, in order, Nick who won free food from Sonic, Ish who played remarkably well and won a free haircut and in a bittersweet, poetic end to a long and outstanding career at TNP, Deb came from almost certain elimination in the heads up and won the night and a $50 gift card from Wal-Mart.

As she was about to leave she announced this would be her last apperance at the poker table at the BB&L, at least for the forseeable future. In June she will be moving far away and decided to make tonight her last game. Tearfully I said my good-bye and respect and agree with her decision. Little time remains before she must move and the difficulty of saying good-bye will only multiply with each passing day.

People come and go into and out of our lives for a specific reason, for a specific time. For better than 4 years now Deb has been my chief rival, my number 1 nemisis and the player I most respected and dreaded. My only peer at the table we could relate to our age and the years no one else but us could remember. I wish her and her family nothing but success as they begin this new chapter in their lives. Thursday night poker will never be the same again. I fold Deb, the hand and game is yours. May all your cards be live, your pots be monsters, your years long and worry free. Farewell.

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