Thursday, June 4, 2009

The game must go on.....

And with sirens blaring and Justin scared spitless, that's just what we did, go on with the game. Dustin, out to another blazing start, was also the first to be ousted. Lisa soon followed. Justin, after overcoming his fear of rain, was third to exit. Bobby next then Chris. The top 3 included Devin, Ish and myself. And in that order the night ended. Ish once again had a huge chip lead going into the heads up but it seems he becomes bored with the game after a couple of hours and I have the patience of Job so this current chapter of TNP begins thusly:

8. Dustin 1
7. Lisa 2
6. Justin 3
5. Bobby 4
4. Chris 5
3. Devin 6
2. Ish 9 (including Devin's bounty point)
1. Jeff 10

Let's double the points next week and make it a $5 buy in. Until then may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!


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