Thursday, June 25, 2009

You say he can't play volleyball? He can dam sure play poker!

From start to finish, it was Dustin's night. Which is more than we can say for Justin who left the table first. Following Justin with strange red marks on his neck was Markus. Bobby made an unusually early exit next. I didn't fare much better. Then Lisa. The top 3 were Ish, Chris and our winner for the second week in a row, Dustin. The #s

8. Justin 1
7. Markus 2
6. Bobby 3
5. Jeff 4
4. Lisa 5
3. Ish 6
2. Chris 8
1. Dustin 11 (including retaining his own bounty point)

NOW, until next week, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

SIDE NOTE: It's been a week of celebrity deaths. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and just this afternoon Adam called and told me Michael Jackson suffered a massive heart attack and died. They say these things always happen in 3s and these came in quick succession.

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