Thursday, June 25, 2009

You say he can't play volleyball? He can dam sure play poker!

From start to finish, it was Dustin's night. Which is more than we can say for Justin who left the table first. Following Justin with strange red marks on his neck was Markus. Bobby made an unusually early exit next. I didn't fare much better. Then Lisa. The top 3 were Ish, Chris and our winner for the second week in a row, Dustin. The #s

8. Justin 1
7. Markus 2
6. Bobby 3
5. Jeff 4
4. Lisa 5
3. Ish 6
2. Chris 8
1. Dustin 11 (including retaining his own bounty point)

NOW, until next week, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

SIDE NOTE: It's been a week of celebrity deaths. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and just this afternoon Adam called and told me Michael Jackson suffered a massive heart attack and died. They say these things always happen in 3s and these came in quick succession.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Yes, it's late again but I've been busy! We had 9 players for the 18th day of June in the year of our Lord 2009. The first out, one day after his birthday was Ish. He'd repeat this performance on Saturday at the game for his birthday. Next out was Markus followed by Chris. Then I took an early bow and Devin was right behind me. This left the top 3 players, Bobby, Lisa and Dustin finishing in that order. Dustin gained Bobby's bounty point. Here are the numbers.

9. Ish 1
8. Justin 2
7. Markus 3
6. Chris 4
5. Jeff 5
4. Devin 6
3. Bobby 7
2. Lisa 9
1. Dustin 11 (Including Bobby's bounty point)

I would say until next week... but it's already next week!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Curse of the double points!

Ugh, I'm beginning to hate double points night! That's how Deb had 35 more points than I did when I had almost twice as many wins. I just can't win on double points night. Even worse, I'm usually first out. And so it was on Thursday night. Dustin, peaking early and playing his usual aggressive style, soon followed me out. Next to leave the table was Justin and a disappointed Devin, who never drew a pot, left the table next. Ish also peaked high and early and was ousted next followed by Lisa. This left the heads up between Chris & Bobby. When the heads up started Chris had a very large chip deficit and it seemed only a matter of a few hands before he'd be eliminated. However, he staged an impressive comeback and put some fear into Bobby. That's why we call him the zombie from hell, he simply refuses to die. In fact he had a huge hand against Ish who had an Ace high flush but Chris made a straight flush! But the cards turned cold for Chris and Bobby, with his huge chip lead, was able to survive Chris' rally and did indeed win his first ever TNP. Congratulations Bobby for your first win and the $25 pot. Here's the breakdown by the numbers.

8. Jeff 2
7. Dustin 4
6. Justin 6
5. Devin 8
4. Ish 10
3. Lisa 14 (including bonus points for quad jacks)
2. Chris 28 (including bonus points for a straight flush and Jeff's bounty point)
1. Bobby 20

So until next week may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The game must go on.....

And with sirens blaring and Justin scared spitless, that's just what we did, go on with the game. Dustin, out to another blazing start, was also the first to be ousted. Lisa soon followed. Justin, after overcoming his fear of rain, was third to exit. Bobby next then Chris. The top 3 included Devin, Ish and myself. And in that order the night ended. Ish once again had a huge chip lead going into the heads up but it seems he becomes bored with the game after a couple of hours and I have the patience of Job so this current chapter of TNP begins thusly:

8. Dustin 1
7. Lisa 2
6. Justin 3
5. Bobby 4
4. Chris 5
3. Devin 6
2. Ish 9 (including Devin's bounty point)
1. Jeff 10

Let's double the points next week and make it a $5 buy in. Until then may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!