
It is a time of royalty and chivalry, the caste system enslaving one in perpetual servitude, save for a select few born into privilege or for an even fewer, those who could catch the eye of the king. Conspicuous by her absence, Queen Katharine of Aragon has been sent from court to visit her nephew, the Emperor of Spain. It is rumored that during her absence, Henry enjoys the company of others. Regal, elegant, Katharine is devoted to her king nevertheless, but more so to the church she has given her life to.

Acquiescing to King Henry’s plea, none other than the pope himself, Pope Paul III has traveled from Rome to settle his differences with Henry in a game of chance. Previously and with wanton pride, Pope Paul has flaunted his power and influence over Europe but has failed to impress or hold influence over Henry. To his dismay, he is ousted first from the game and unceremoniously sent packing back to Rome. The disgrace and dishonor he suffers at the table will long be remembered and it is rumored his papacy is in jeopardy.

Called to bear witness to these events and invited to partake by the pope, King Francis I of France has made a rare appearance in King Henry’s court. Once bitter enemies, the new alliance between France and England played against the plot Pope Paul devised behind Henry’s back. Calling on Francis to denounce Henry and invade England, Francis acquiesced to Henry’s overtures and turned on the Pope. A welcome sight in court, King Francis has been long missed and Henry hopes he will return again soon.

Cardinal Wolsey. Even spitting the name out leaves a bitter taste on the palate. His conniving has left the English realm on the brink of collapse. On the surface he is the representative of the pope in England. But it is rumored he in fact influences the pope and secretly conspires with King Francis of France to overthrow Henry and establish a puppet government ruled ostensibly by Queen Katharine but in actuality by Wolsey himself. His recent exploits, however, have exposed him for the fraud he is and his waning power insured his defeat last night.

Humble servant yet fierce defender of the faith, once a close friend of King Henry, Thomas More proved yet again when it comes to maintaining his honor and dignity he has no qualms crossing swords with even a king. His station and respect are yet held in high regard by Henry and Thomas still enjoys all the privileges that come from being a member if the king’s inner circle.

Thomas Boleyn, 1st Earl of Wiltshire, appears to be a quiet yet influential Lord in King Henry’s court. Beneath the surface, however, lies an ambitious, cunning adversary who longs for the day when he can take the crown, by hook or by crook, and either sit upon the throne himself or have his offspring do so. It is said beware the man who silently smiles while chaos abounds. Thus it was when Henry had to reduce the Earl to peasant during the final hands of poker.

King Henry the VIII, monarch of England, beloved ruler of all he surveys, has once again re-established rule, bringing order, elegance, grace, charm and all that is worthy back into his court. Far too long he has let the young rabbles run roughshod throughout his kingdom. No more! Poker blogs of such low brow, including acts of lasciviousness, reducing people to animals, dogs to be thrown into a pyre, will no longer be tolerated. A return to civility, honor, courtesy and dignity will now be the standing order in Henry’s court. Long live the king!

Arriving not a moment too soon, Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk, close confidant and ally of the king, assumed the role of mediator and dealer for the final round. Was it his skill that insured the king’s victory in battle? While it my never be known, what is apparent is the king’s gratitude, whether Charles manipulated the outcome or not, for his loyal service and devoted allegiance to the realm.

Thus it went, on a Thursday night, in the year of our lord two thousand and ten. When next we meet, on yet another battleground, we beseech thee oh Lord, grant thy humble servant, King Henry, victory over his oppressors. Allow thy might to flow through him, using him to smite his enemies and all those who oppose righteousness, purity, honor and chivalry. We pray thee, creator of the universe, spare our beloved King and keep him from harm, granting him success as he slays those who would overthrow his rightful place as king. If it pleases thee, show mercy to his majesty and keep him henceforth and ever more ruler of all he surveys.
Let the scribes record:
6. Devin 1
5. Adam 3 (including 1 bonus point for quad kings)
4. Ish 3
3. Justin 7 (Including Devin's 2 bounty points and quad 10s)
2. Chris 7 (Indluding a bonus point for quad jacks)
1. Jeff 8
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