Mark your calendars for Thursday, September 24. An unprecedented event will take place. Since Mark has to work the next 3 Thursdays, we've decided to make his next game a big one. Since there won't be any bounty point available next week, since Mark will have 3 on his head the next time he plays, since he was drunk and insisted on it Thursday night, we're going to have a blow out game on the 24th. Here are the details:
$10 buy in, winner take all
Special rules!
Because so much will be at stake for this game, the following special rules will be strictly enforced:
When the final table is assembled, the following World Series of Poker protocols will be observed.
To help insure these protocols are followed, hands will be dealt but not given to players immediately. Hands will be dealt for each player and kept close to the dealer. In order, they will be handed to the next player to act. Players will then act and play will continue. You can not ask if other players will play or fold. If a player asks for it, a 1 minute clock will be started keeping play flowing. No one will be allowed to touch the computer, the clock will be displayed at all times. With so much at stake, these protocols are essential. It'll be the closest we've come to actual tournament play. I can't wait!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.........
Space itself, cold and unforgiving, was electric with anticipation. Two previous battles had ended with victory for one and this battle would be no different. The first casualty, coming as a shock, was none other than Emperor Palpatine himself! His early demise was shocking but he left the battlefield more of his own accord than any other reason. His failing health and desire to be elsewhere made his tactics sloppy. For his sake, however, fate would insure he'd retain his throne.

But just when you thought there could be no more surprises it's best you think again, for the very next warrior to be eliminated was none other than Grand Moff Tarkin! Eager to unseat the Emperor and assume control of the Galactic Empire, Tarkin's plans were thwarted and he still remains second in command!

It was as if the universe was turning upside down as the next to leave the battlefield was third in the chain of command for this battle, Admiral Piett! He was able to deliver one huge salvo, however, before surrendering the battlefield to more worthy opponents.

While not a seasoned warrior, Senator Organa nevertheless is an excellent orator and debater. These skills helped keep him in the conflict for as long as possible.
His skills as a politician somewhat suspect, he is nevertheless full of energy and mischief. Representative Jar-Jar Binks did manage to redeem himself after the previous battle's disgrace.
This once powerful and feared member of the Jedi order has been reduced to an aging relic from the old Republic. Cast aside and forgotten, Count Dooku still surprises from time to time.
Scoundrel, pirate, renegade, call him what you will. Han Solo is always spoiling for a fight. Having his share of successes, taking him for granted is always risky.

A young newcomer to the war, Luke Skywalker, made an impressive debut. He withstood attack after attack from none other than Lord Vader himself, yet the youngster stood his ground and fought valiantly.
Finally, when the laser fire had settled down and ship debris scattered, what could be the beginning of a rivalry began taking shape as the final two combatants were left on the surface of a rocky, barren planet. Having abandoned their ships, they drew the weapon of old, used for centuries by warriors from a nobler, more honorable era. Try as he might, however, Obi Wan Kenobi could not defeat the foe he most feared.
For in this battle, as in the previous 2, a dark lord of the Sith, none other than Darth Vader himself, would not be denied. First to achieve 3 in a row, climbing steadily up the standings, Lord Vader proved once again he is a force to be reckoned with.
As epic and grand as this battle was, it did nothing but set the stage for a battle so grand, with so much at stake, that the galaxy itself trembles at the thought of the coming conflict. So, until then, may the force be with you!
10 Emperor Palpatine (Bobby) 1
9 Grand Moff Tarkin (Chris) 2
8 Admiral Piett (Devin) 4 (including 1 bonus point for quad aces)
7 Senator Organa (Ish) 4
6 Representative Jar-Jar Binks (Dustin) 5
5 Count Dooku (Jeff) 6
4 Han Solo (Nick) 7
3 Luke Skywalker (Tye) 8
2 Obi Wan Kenobi (Justin B) 10
1 Darth Vader (Mark) 11 (including 1 bonus point for quad 7s)
Look for a special announcement for the September 24th game. And until next week, may all your cards be live, your pots be monsters and the force be with you!

But just when you thought there could be no more surprises it's best you think again, for the very next warrior to be eliminated was none other than Grand Moff Tarkin! Eager to unseat the Emperor and assume control of the Galactic Empire, Tarkin's plans were thwarted and he still remains second in command!

It was as if the universe was turning upside down as the next to leave the battlefield was third in the chain of command for this battle, Admiral Piett! He was able to deliver one huge salvo, however, before surrendering the battlefield to more worthy opponents.

While not a seasoned warrior, Senator Organa nevertheless is an excellent orator and debater. These skills helped keep him in the conflict for as long as possible.

His skills as a politician somewhat suspect, he is nevertheless full of energy and mischief. Representative Jar-Jar Binks did manage to redeem himself after the previous battle's disgrace.

This once powerful and feared member of the Jedi order has been reduced to an aging relic from the old Republic. Cast aside and forgotten, Count Dooku still surprises from time to time.

Scoundrel, pirate, renegade, call him what you will. Han Solo is always spoiling for a fight. Having his share of successes, taking him for granted is always risky.

A young newcomer to the war, Luke Skywalker, made an impressive debut. He withstood attack after attack from none other than Lord Vader himself, yet the youngster stood his ground and fought valiantly.

Finally, when the laser fire had settled down and ship debris scattered, what could be the beginning of a rivalry began taking shape as the final two combatants were left on the surface of a rocky, barren planet. Having abandoned their ships, they drew the weapon of old, used for centuries by warriors from a nobler, more honorable era. Try as he might, however, Obi Wan Kenobi could not defeat the foe he most feared.

For in this battle, as in the previous 2, a dark lord of the Sith, none other than Darth Vader himself, would not be denied. First to achieve 3 in a row, climbing steadily up the standings, Lord Vader proved once again he is a force to be reckoned with.

As epic and grand as this battle was, it did nothing but set the stage for a battle so grand, with so much at stake, that the galaxy itself trembles at the thought of the coming conflict. So, until then, may the force be with you!
10 Emperor Palpatine (Bobby) 1
9 Grand Moff Tarkin (Chris) 2
8 Admiral Piett (Devin) 4 (including 1 bonus point for quad aces)
7 Senator Organa (Ish) 4
6 Representative Jar-Jar Binks (Dustin) 5
5 Count Dooku (Jeff) 6
4 Han Solo (Nick) 7
3 Luke Skywalker (Tye) 8
2 Obi Wan Kenobi (Justin B) 10
1 Darth Vader (Mark) 11 (including 1 bonus point for quad 7s)
Look for a special announcement for the September 24th game. And until next week, may all your cards be live, your pots be monsters and the force be with you!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
2 in a Row!
Bringing food seems to be good luck for Mark. Sorry, no story this week, I'll try doing it once in a while as we go forward. On to tonight's action!
I had some sweet revenge on Dustin this week. His stupid pair of twos last week put me out but this week my quad Jacks returned the favor. Dustin was first out!
A newcomer to the table, Ramiro, friend of Markus, was next to leave the table.
Justin W., arriving late from a hard day of work, was ousted next.
Lisa made an appearance but left next.
Ish survived 2 or 3 all ins before being defeated.
Bobby, out next, nevertheless retains his top spot.
Chris, hoping to last just a little longer, had to leave next unable to retake the top spot.
Markus, playing well, made the top 4.
I played much better this week, especially since it was double points night. My quad jacks added a bonus point.
The heads up came down to Devin, first out last week, and Mark, last weeks winner. Opposite ends of the spectrum going heads up. The chips flew back and forth and both players were tired of playing. Finally, both went all in with nothing and Mark's ace high finally ended the game. Here are the numbers.
11. Dustin 2
10. Ramiro 4
9. Justin w 6
8. Lisa 8
7. Ish 10
6. Bobby 12
5. Chris 14
4. Markus 16
3. Jeff 20 (including 1 bonus point for quad jacks)
2. Devin 20
1. Mark 26 (including 2 bonus points, 1 for quad 10s and 1 for retaining his bounty point)
Good times and until next week, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!
I had some sweet revenge on Dustin this week. His stupid pair of twos last week put me out but this week my quad Jacks returned the favor. Dustin was first out!
A newcomer to the table, Ramiro, friend of Markus, was next to leave the table.
Justin W., arriving late from a hard day of work, was ousted next.
Lisa made an appearance but left next.
Ish survived 2 or 3 all ins before being defeated.
Bobby, out next, nevertheless retains his top spot.
Chris, hoping to last just a little longer, had to leave next unable to retake the top spot.
Markus, playing well, made the top 4.
I played much better this week, especially since it was double points night. My quad jacks added a bonus point.
The heads up came down to Devin, first out last week, and Mark, last weeks winner. Opposite ends of the spectrum going heads up. The chips flew back and forth and both players were tired of playing. Finally, both went all in with nothing and Mark's ace high finally ended the game. Here are the numbers.
11. Dustin 2
10. Ramiro 4
9. Justin w 6
8. Lisa 8
7. Ish 10
6. Bobby 12
5. Chris 14
4. Markus 16
3. Jeff 20 (including 1 bonus point for quad jacks)
2. Devin 20
1. Mark 26 (including 2 bonus points, 1 for quad 10s and 1 for retaining his bounty point)
Good times and until next week, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Blast from the past!
Mark & Justin requested an old school posting for last night's game. So because Mark made such a great taco salad and because he actually won last night, here we go.
To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything
Julie Newmar

Our story begins with the usual cast of characters. Well, maybe not so usual. A group of gay friends who, for one reason or another, think they can play poker AND look good in drag. Well, some of them think they look good in drag. Truth be told, ok, we won't go there.
It was just another typical Thursday night gathering before the big drag show to determine this year's top drag queen with the winner promised an all expense paid trip to beautiful and exotic Bismarck, North Dakota!
The first shocker of the night occured when the up and coming newbie, Sum-dum Ho was eliminated first. Poor thing, she's been working out so much lately trying to get into tip top shape but was upset early by Peg Bundy. Only one queen point for Miss Ho.

Making a long overdue return to the stage and poker table was Miss Noxeema Jackson. She did a great job for a while but soon reverted to her old ways and was ousted next from the poker table. Let's hope she fares better at the show. For her efforts, Miss Jackson was awarded 2queen points.
Behind every successful drag queen is the lonely, little noticed and seldom credited manager. Such is the case for John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. Hard working, honest and kind he's always in the background, doing the heavy lifting and never seeing the spotlight. Thus it was for John this night as he took a back seat to the "beauty" of the queens and had to settle for 3 IOUs.
Dreaming that one day she'll be more than just a little latin boy in a dress, Miss Chi-Chi Rodriguez had to settle for 4th place tonight. She practiced Monday night, dancing her little ass off. We may even see a video of this. But tonight just wasn't her night. 4 queen points for Miss Rodriguez.
Simply known as Christina, our next to bow out has been used to the spotlight. Her performance in TNP Phase 3 has been stellar. She's hit a bump in the road, however, the past couple of weeks and has had to give up her top spot. 5 queen points tonight.
Nickolette, after coming on strong in her first performance, was in the middle of the pack last night. After tonight, Miss Vida has put her back in her place. Last! 6 queen points.
She came on strong in the beginning but faded towards the end. Miss Alison Lane did manage to win a bonus point for quad 8s. She did move up in the standings and ended the night with 8 queen points.
The infamous Peg Bundy made an appearance at the poker table. She was blazing hot right out of the blocks eliminating one of the favorites, Miss Ho. Peg's luck eventually ran out, however, but not before she racked up 8 queen points.
Cha Cha LaRue made the top 3. Her performance was impressive and she earned 11 queen points for her efforts. Her neck was even clean of the previous injuries she must have suffered from a chain saw accident. She also earned a bonus point for taking Nickolett's booty, I mean bounty point.
The current overall reigning queen, Miss Sasha Fierce, who bears a striking resemblance to Beyonce, came from behind late to take on none other than the dreaded Miss Vida Boheme, drag queen extraordinaire from the distant past. It was a close and of course fierce battle but in the end Miss Vida turned out to be a bigger ass than what Miss Shasha carries around all day. Her performance was impresseive, however, and she earned 11 queen points.
Finally, with all the grace, elegance and charm she's been famous for lo these many, many years, none other than Miss Vida Boheme won the night over the crowded field. Slow playing, aggressive betting and sheer intimidation spelled success for this weeks reigning drag queen. Congratulations Miss Boheme for the win and for taking Sasha's bounty point.
After the game it was time to celebrate as you can see below!

Next month a few of our preformers are headed to Dallas for fun at Gay pride.

Here's the cast and numbers for the night:
11. Miss Sum-Dum Ho (Devin) 1
10. Miss Noxeema Jackson (Justin W) 2
9. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt (Jeff) 3
8. Miss Chi-Chi Rodriguez (Ish) 4
7. Miss Christina (Chris) 5
6. Miss Nickolette (Nick) 6
5. Miss Alison Lane (Dustin) 8 (including 1 bounty point for quad 8s)
4. Miss Peg Bundy (Justin B) 8
3. Miss Cha Cha LaRue (Markus) 10 (including Nick's bounty point)
2. Miss Sasha Fierce (Bobby) 11
1. Miss Vida Boheme (Mark) 13 (including Bobby's bounty point)
What a show it was. We can't wait until the next one. Until then, may all your cards be live and your pots be fabulous!
To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything
Julie Newmar

Our story begins with the usual cast of characters. Well, maybe not so usual. A group of gay friends who, for one reason or another, think they can play poker AND look good in drag. Well, some of them think they look good in drag. Truth be told, ok, we won't go there.
It was just another typical Thursday night gathering before the big drag show to determine this year's top drag queen with the winner promised an all expense paid trip to beautiful and exotic Bismarck, North Dakota!

Making a long overdue return to the stage and poker table was Miss Noxeema Jackson. She did a great job for a while but soon reverted to her old ways and was ousted next from the poker table. Let's hope she fares better at the show. For her efforts, Miss Jackson was awarded 2queen points.
Behind every successful drag queen is the lonely, little noticed and seldom credited manager. Such is the case for John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. Hard working, honest and kind he's always in the background, doing the heavy lifting and never seeing the spotlight. Thus it was for John this night as he took a back seat to the "beauty" of the queens and had to settle for 3 IOUs.

Dreaming that one day she'll be more than just a little latin boy in a dress, Miss Chi-Chi Rodriguez had to settle for 4th place tonight. She practiced Monday night, dancing her little ass off. We may even see a video of this. But tonight just wasn't her night. 4 queen points for Miss Rodriguez.

Simply known as Christina, our next to bow out has been used to the spotlight. Her performance in TNP Phase 3 has been stellar. She's hit a bump in the road, however, the past couple of weeks and has had to give up her top spot. 5 queen points tonight.

She came on strong in the beginning but faded towards the end. Miss Alison Lane did manage to win a bonus point for quad 8s. She did move up in the standings and ended the night with 8 queen points.

The infamous Peg Bundy made an appearance at the poker table. She was blazing hot right out of the blocks eliminating one of the favorites, Miss Ho. Peg's luck eventually ran out, however, but not before she racked up 8 queen points.

Cha Cha LaRue made the top 3. Her performance was impressive and she earned 11 queen points for her efforts. Her neck was even clean of the previous injuries she must have suffered from a chain saw accident. She also earned a bonus point for taking Nickolett's booty, I mean bounty point.

The current overall reigning queen, Miss Sasha Fierce, who bears a striking resemblance to Beyonce, came from behind late to take on none other than the dreaded Miss Vida Boheme, drag queen extraordinaire from the distant past. It was a close and of course fierce battle but in the end Miss Vida turned out to be a bigger ass than what Miss Shasha carries around all day. Her performance was impresseive, however, and she earned 11 queen points.

Finally, with all the grace, elegance and charm she's been famous for lo these many, many years, none other than Miss Vida Boheme won the night over the crowded field. Slow playing, aggressive betting and sheer intimidation spelled success for this weeks reigning drag queen. Congratulations Miss Boheme for the win and for taking Sasha's bounty point.

After the game it was time to celebrate as you can see below!
Next month a few of our preformers are headed to Dallas for fun at Gay pride.
Here's the cast and numbers for the night:
11. Miss Sum-Dum Ho (Devin) 1
10. Miss Noxeema Jackson (Justin W) 2
9. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt (Jeff) 3
8. Miss Chi-Chi Rodriguez (Ish) 4
7. Miss Christina (Chris) 5
6. Miss Nickolette (Nick) 6
5. Miss Alison Lane (Dustin) 8 (including 1 bounty point for quad 8s)
4. Miss Peg Bundy (Justin B) 8
3. Miss Cha Cha LaRue (Markus) 10 (including Nick's bounty point)
2. Miss Sasha Fierce (Bobby) 11
1. Miss Vida Boheme (Mark) 13 (including Bobby's bounty point)
What a show it was. We can't wait until the next one. Until then, may all your cards be live and your pots be fabulous!

Thursday, August 6, 2009
For the first time....
Bobby sits alone atop the leader board. Nick was doing well but was called away on an errand of mercy therefore no bounty was awarded this week. Next week 2 bounty points will be available, either from Bobby or Nick. Justin was out next then Dustin. I left the table next followed by Devin. Chris managed to make the top 3 before being eliminated. This left Ish & Bobby vying for first place. Bobby had the chip lead and used this to his advantage to bully Ish around. So with his win tonight, Bobby assumes first place alone and enters the coveted 2 wins group. Here are the numbers.
8. Nick 1
7. Justin 2
6. Dustin 3
5. Jeff 4
4. Devin 5
3. Chris 6
2. Ish 8
1. Bobby 10
Until next week may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!
8. Nick 1
7. Justin 2
6. Dustin 3
5. Jeff 4
4. Devin 5
3. Chris 6
2. Ish 8
1. Bobby 10
Until next week may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!
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