Friday, August 14, 2009

Blast from the past!

Mark & Justin requested an old school posting for last night's game. So because Mark made such a great taco salad and because he actually won last night, here we go.

To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything
Julie Newmar

Our story begins with the usual cast of characters. Well, maybe not so usual. A group of gay friends who, for one reason or another, think they can play poker AND look good in drag. Well, some of them think they look good in drag. Truth be told, ok, we won't go there.

It was just another typical Thursday night gathering before the big drag show to determine this year's top drag queen with the winner promised an all expense paid trip to beautiful and exotic Bismarck, North Dakota!

The first shocker of the night occured when the up and coming newbie, Sum-dum Ho was eliminated first. Poor thing, she's been working out so much lately trying to get into tip top shape but was upset early by Peg Bundy. Only one queen point for Miss Ho.

Making a long overdue return to the stage and poker table was Miss Noxeema Jackson. She did a great job for a while but soon reverted to her old ways and was ousted next from the poker table. Let's hope she fares better at the show. For her efforts, Miss Jackson was awarded 2queen points.

Behind every successful drag queen is the lonely, little noticed and seldom credited manager. Such is the case for John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. Hard working, honest and kind he's always in the background, doing the heavy lifting and never seeing the spotlight. Thus it was for John this night as he took a back seat to the "beauty" of the queens and had to settle for 3 IOUs.

Dreaming that one day she'll be more than just a little latin boy in a dress, Miss Chi-Chi Rodriguez had to settle for 4th place tonight. She practiced Monday night, dancing her little ass off. We may even see a video of this. But tonight just wasn't her night. 4 queen points for Miss Rodriguez.

Simply known as Christina, our next to bow out has been used to the spotlight. Her performance in TNP Phase 3 has been stellar. She's hit a bump in the road, however, the past couple of weeks and has had to give up her top spot. 5 queen points tonight.

Nickolette, after coming on strong in her first performance, was in the middle of the pack last night. After tonight, Miss Vida has put her back in her place. Last! 6 queen points.

She came on strong in the beginning but faded towards the end. Miss Alison Lane did manage to win a bonus point for quad 8s. She did move up in the standings and ended the night with 8 queen points.

The infamous Peg Bundy made an appearance at the poker table. She was blazing hot right out of the blocks eliminating one of the favorites, Miss Ho. Peg's luck eventually ran out, however, but not before she racked up 8 queen points.

Cha Cha LaRue made the top 3. Her performance was impressive and she earned 11 queen points for her efforts. Her neck was even clean of the previous injuries she must have suffered from a chain saw accident. She also earned a bonus point for taking Nickolett's booty, I mean bounty point.

The current overall reigning queen, Miss Sasha Fierce, who bears a striking resemblance to Beyonce, came from behind late to take on none other than the dreaded Miss Vida Boheme, drag queen extraordinaire from the distant past. It was a close and of course fierce battle but in the end Miss Vida turned out to be a bigger ass than what Miss Shasha carries around all day. Her performance was impresseive, however, and she earned 11 queen points.

Finally, with all the grace, elegance and charm she's been famous for lo these many, many years, none other than Miss Vida Boheme won the night over the crowded field. Slow playing, aggressive betting and sheer intimidation spelled success for this weeks reigning drag queen. Congratulations Miss Boheme for the win and for taking Sasha's bounty point.

After the game it was time to celebrate as you can see below!

Wong Foo Festival Pictures, Images and Photos

Next month a few of our preformers are headed to Dallas for fun at Gay pride.
Wong Foo Vogue Pictures, Images and Photos

Here's the cast and numbers for the night:
11. Miss Sum-Dum Ho (Devin) 1
10. Miss Noxeema Jackson (Justin W) 2
9. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt (Jeff) 3
8. Miss Chi-Chi Rodriguez (Ish) 4
7. Miss Christina (Chris) 5
6. Miss Nickolette (Nick) 6
5. Miss Alison Lane (Dustin) 8 (including 1 bounty point for quad 8s)
4. Miss Peg Bundy (Justin B) 8
3. Miss Cha Cha LaRue (Markus) 10 (including Nick's bounty point)
2. Miss Sasha Fierce (Bobby) 11
1. Miss Vida Boheme (Mark) 13 (including Bobby's bounty point)

What a show it was. We can't wait until the next one. Until then, may all your cards be live and your pots be fabulous!

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