But just when you thought there could be no more surprises it's best you think again, for the very next warrior to be eliminated was none other than Grand Moff Tarkin! Eager to unseat the Emperor and assume control of the Galactic Empire, Tarkin's plans were thwarted and he still remains second in command!

It was as if the universe was turning upside down as the next to leave the battlefield was third in the chain of command for this battle, Admiral Piett! He was able to deliver one huge salvo, however, before surrendering the battlefield to more worthy opponents.

While not a seasoned warrior, Senator Organa nevertheless is an excellent orator and debater. These skills helped keep him in the conflict for as long as possible.

His skills as a politician somewhat suspect, he is nevertheless full of energy and mischief. Representative Jar-Jar Binks did manage to redeem himself after the previous battle's disgrace.

This once powerful and feared member of the Jedi order has been reduced to an aging relic from the old Republic. Cast aside and forgotten, Count Dooku still surprises from time to time.

Scoundrel, pirate, renegade, call him what you will. Han Solo is always spoiling for a fight. Having his share of successes, taking him for granted is always risky.

A young newcomer to the war, Luke Skywalker, made an impressive debut. He withstood attack after attack from none other than Lord Vader himself, yet the youngster stood his ground and fought valiantly.

Finally, when the laser fire had settled down and ship debris scattered, what could be the beginning of a rivalry began taking shape as the final two combatants were left on the surface of a rocky, barren planet. Having abandoned their ships, they drew the weapon of old, used for centuries by warriors from a nobler, more honorable era. Try as he might, however, Obi Wan Kenobi could not defeat the foe he most feared.

For in this battle, as in the previous 2, a dark lord of the Sith, none other than Darth Vader himself, would not be denied. First to achieve 3 in a row, climbing steadily up the standings, Lord Vader proved once again he is a force to be reckoned with.

As epic and grand as this battle was, it did nothing but set the stage for a battle so grand, with so much at stake, that the galaxy itself trembles at the thought of the coming conflict. So, until then, may the force be with you!
10 Emperor Palpatine (Bobby) 1
9 Grand Moff Tarkin (Chris) 2
8 Admiral Piett (Devin) 4 (including 1 bonus point for quad aces)
7 Senator Organa (Ish) 4
6 Representative Jar-Jar Binks (Dustin) 5
5 Count Dooku (Jeff) 6
4 Han Solo (Nick) 7
3 Luke Skywalker (Tye) 8
2 Obi Wan Kenobi (Justin B) 10
1 Darth Vader (Mark) 11 (including 1 bonus point for quad 7s)
Look for a special announcement for the September 24th game. And until next week, may all your cards be live, your pots be monsters and the force be with you!
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