Thursday, August 20, 2009

2 in a Row!

Bringing food seems to be good luck for Mark. Sorry, no story this week, I'll try doing it once in a while as we go forward. On to tonight's action!

I had some sweet revenge on Dustin this week. His stupid pair of twos last week put me out but this week my quad Jacks returned the favor. Dustin was first out!

A newcomer to the table, Ramiro, friend of Markus, was next to leave the table.

Justin W., arriving late from a hard day of work, was ousted next.

Lisa made an appearance but left next.

Ish survived 2 or 3 all ins before being defeated.

Bobby, out next, nevertheless retains his top spot.

Chris, hoping to last just a little longer, had to leave next unable to retake the top spot.

Markus, playing well, made the top 4.

I played much better this week, especially since it was double points night. My quad jacks added a bonus point.

The heads up came down to Devin, first out last week, and Mark, last weeks winner. Opposite ends of the spectrum going heads up. The chips flew back and forth and both players were tired of playing. Finally, both went all in with nothing and Mark's ace high finally ended the game. Here are the numbers.

11. Dustin 2
10. Ramiro 4
9. Justin w 6
8. Lisa 8
7. Ish 10
6. Bobby 12
5. Chris 14
4. Markus 16
3. Jeff 20 (including 1 bonus point for quad jacks)
2. Devin 20
1. Mark 26 (including 2 bonus points, 1 for quad 10s and 1 for retaining his bounty point)

Good times and until next week, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

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